
Some easy ways through which you can optimise your website

Dec 7

Search Engine Optimisation, the name which can ruin or bring boom to your business or website. If utilised properly it can be a boon to many people out there as it can make your business go higher in ranks and position online. Due to the scope of SEO and techniques that are involved in it, some of the business owners prefer to outsource their work to the service providers who are SEO experts. These SEO experts will employ ways which will make your business go higher and increase your traffic and revenue in return. There are many layers and techniques that are used to make your website search engine optimised. Even if you look at the basic processes and techniques it could be headache for owners. It is a time consuming process and let’s not go into the details of advance techniques for SEO.

Some of the basic and easy ways you can employ for SEO

Search Engine Optimisation is achieved optimising both frontend and backend of your website. If you have no technical knowhow of the backend of your website, you can outsource this task, as it is a complex process and can be done by trained web experts who excel in this field. To optimise your frontend of your website or webpage you can try some basic steps that are followed by everyone who is in this market.

There are some advanced tricks and tips to increase the ranking of your website on search engine but let’s just focus on basic here. Try following these pointers to achieve SEO for your website.

SERP Research – Before you start thinking what you want to write or advertise in your webpage, do a thorough SERP research, type the keyword that you think goes with your business in the search engine and see the suggestions that come up from search engine itself. Click on those and do analysis of the website or blogs that this search leads to. If you see any hole or gap, try to fill it in. Research is most important as this will make you stand out in the sea of websites and webpages that are already there on the internet. If there is a question or information that you realise is still not covered about your keyword grab it and write about the same, which will make your website go higher in ranking in SEO.

Minimum Word Count – The minimum words that your website should have is three hundred words. If your webpage doesn’t have three hundred words excluding the header and footer content then your page will not be classified as page by the Google and will not show in search engine results page. Three hundred words is a must for a webpage but you can exceed the word count as well, since more words will keep your user engaged and will interact more with the user. It will also help you in other points to maintain SEO.

Keywords – Keywords play a major role in SEO. The keywords that you think will link to your website should be present in the main content of your website. It should come at least 3 times in your main content including the heading as well. If your word count is more it can go up to five times, but overusing of keyword can also have negative effect on search engine optimisation of your website. So if your website is about “dance classes jazz” it should come at least 3 to 5 times in your main content so that your website can be picked up by the search engine.

Catchy and suitable heading – Search engine uses your webpage heading to understand what your site has to offer. Ideal practice is to include the keyword in the heading so that search engine can pick up your page based on heading itself. Heading should be something about topic and shouldn’t be off topic as this is the first thing that a visitor will see when it comes to your webpage. If your heading doesn’t resonate with the visitor, you will end up losing the potential customer.

Use appropriate Images – In your webpage you should include at least one image which is relevant to your content. Images in header or footer are not considered. Images that you use should be of high resolution and compressed. If you are skilled enough you can create links and edit text into the images, which is also important part of SEO. Use Photoshop or other editing software to edit your image before using. You can also look for images which are internet friendly. If you are picking images from internet, confirm the copyright issues, only use images that are free to use.

Create Links – Create links in both your content and images. They should be naturally flowing with the content. When the search engine look up to your website and sees that there are links which lead to content within the website (called internal links) and also outside the website (called external links), it gets assured that your website is sharing high quality content with links to other detailed content on the same. This will prompt the search engine to show your website in higher ranking and direct the traffic to your website.

Now after looking at the steps above, if you are thinking that this is an astounding task which you cannot manage, due to any reason be it time or skills. It is always good to outsource this task as the dedicated experts will give you good results, and as an owner result is the only thing that matters. Even with this you need to follow some basic steps to fulfil backend optimisation as well. But if you are confident and think that you can manage this task, you are good to go, just follow these steps and you will notice quite a change in your websites traffic and in turn in your revenue.


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